agency Delhi: President of India Droupadi Murmu on Monday administered the oath of office Srivastava. PM Modi and VP of India Jagdeep Dhankhar were additionally present on the event President of India Droupadi Murmu on Monday regulated the promise of office to senior executive Praveen Kumar Srivastava as the next Central Vigilance Commissioner. In a concise service held at Rashtrapati Bhavan in Delhi, Srivastava officially assumed responsibility as the CVC following the pledge taking function. State head Narendra Modi and VP Jagdeep Dhankhar were available on the event. President Droupadi Murmu regulated the Pledge of Office to the Central Vigilance Commissioner CVC Shri Praveen Kumar Srivastava at Rashtrapati Bhavan, Office of Leader of India said in a tweet. Praveen Kumar Srivastava was at that point working in the limit as acting Central Vigilance Commissioner CVC following the finish of residency of occupant CVC Suresh N Patel in December last year. Srivastava, a 1988 clump IAS official from Assam Meghalaya Framework was last year named as Carefulness Chiefs. Srivastava was posted as Watchfulness Officials in the Focal Cautiousness