Actor Salman Khan, who clocked his 57th birthday on Tuesday, had once spoken about wanting children. In an old interview, Salman had said that he wants children but doesn t want the mother . Salman s love for children is evident when he interacts with his nephew Ahil and niece Ayat, children of his sister Arpita Khan and her husband, actor Aayush Sharma. Earlier this year, a video was shared on Instagram in which Salman grooved to the song Allah Duhaai Hai from his film Race 3 and encouraged the children to dance with him. Speaking with Mumbai Mirror in 2019, Salman had reacted when said that he loved children. The actor had said, Smiles I want children, but with children comes the mother. I don t want the mother, but they need one. But I have a whole village to take care of them. Maybe I can work out a win win situation for everyone. Salman has been in relationships with several people over the years. He reportedly dated former actor Somy Ali from 1991 to 1999. Salman was also reported to be in relationships with model Sangeeta Bijlani, actors Aishwarya Rai and Katrina Kaif.
He is currently rumoured to be dating model Iulia Vantur. Salman made his breakthrough with a leading role in Maine Pyar Kiya 1989 . He went on to feature in many films such as Hum Aapke Hain Koun 1994 , Karan Arjun 1995 , Biwi No 1 1999 , and Hum Saath Saath Hain 1999 . The actor also featured in Dabangg 2010 , Ready 2011 , Bodyguard 2011 , Ek Tha Tiger 2012 , Dabangg 2 2012 , Kick 2014 , Tiger Zinda Hai 2017 , Bajrangi Bhaijaan 2015 , Sultan 2016 , Bharat and Dabangg 3 2019 and Antim: The Final Truth 2021 . Salman recently finished shooting for Kisi Ka Bhai Kisi Ki Jaan. It is an action packed entertainer directed by Farhad Samji and also features Pooja Hegde and Venkatesh Daggubati in the leads. Shehnaaz Gill, Palak Tiwari, and Vijender Singh are also a part of the film. The movie is slated to hit theatres on the occasion of Eid 2023.